Nose bleeds, trouble breathing, and facial pain are common concerns associated with having a deviated septum. In addition to these issues, having a deviated septum can make certain exercises difficult and even ruin sleep. Loud snoring caused by having a deviated septum disrupts the R.E.M. sleep cycle and leads to restlessness. The unfortunate news about having a deviated septum is that surgery (septoplasty) is the only way to correct it.
What Is a Deviated Septum?
The septum is the thin wall that separates the right and left sides of the inside of the nose. It is made up of cartilage and bone and ideally should be situated in the center. If the septum is deviated and bends into the nose, it can cause one or both sides to feel blocked or congested. This feeling is due to an obstruction of the flow of air through the nose. Think of it like a 4-lane highway: If a truck blocks one of the lanes traffic slows and can’t get through. Similarly, in the nose, if the septum is blocking part of the nasal passage, air cannot get through.
Septoplasty Surgery Procedure
Septoplasty is a standard surgical procedure used to correct a deviated septum. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves an incision made on the inside of the nose to access the cartilaginous septum. After the incision, any irregularities or deviations are straightened and a small dissolvable suture is used to maintain the nose’s new shape. Dr. Shaw does not use any nasal packing for this procedure, allowing for a more comfortable recovery period. The entire surgery is typically performed in under an hour and provides permanent results.

Septoplasty Treatment Results
You may experience some bleeding during your deviated septum treatment. After the surgery, swelling and soreness will likely persist for around 7 days. Pain medication may be prescribed, but we advise that you avoid taking aspirin or other medications that may result in more bleeding. Most patients are able to return to their normal routine a week after the surgery. When healed, you can expect a dramatic improvement in your breathing.
Before and After Photos
Deviated Septum Solutions in Richmond and Midlothian, Virginia
If you have frequent nosebleeds or often find it difficult to breath, consider scheduling a consultation with Travis Shaw, MD. Our skilled medical staff is dedicated to providing the best surgical care for treating a deviated septum. Make an appointment today by calling/texting (804) 775-4559 or submitting your information via the form below.