How Plastic Surgery Can Make Your Face Look Younger

Considering having some work done? You’re not alone. As we age, the effects of gravity, sun damage, and volume loss can make us look older than we feel on the inside. But plastic surgery offers multiple options to help turn back the clock and give you a more refreshed, youthful appearance. Here’s a look at the most popular treatments.

Refresh Your Eyes

Eye bags, dark circles, and sagging lids are some of the first spots that show signs of aging. If your eyes make you look overly tired or even angry all the time, several minimally invasive procedures can help. Botox is one of the most popular options for crow’s feet, the lines that fan out from the outer corners of your eyes. Just a few tiny injections relax the underlying muscles so those wrinkles soften. It’s a quick 10-minute procedure with zero downtime. Need a more dramatic refreshing effect? Blepharoplasty, or eyelid plastic surgery, removes excess fat and skin from the upper and lower lids.

Re-Contour Your Face

A loss of facial volume can leave your cheeks looking gaunt and hollow, with nose-to-mouth lines and jowls around your jawline. Dermal fillers, like Juvederm and Restylane, can temporarily replace that lost volume by smoothing wrinkles and plumping areas of the face non-surgically. Common injection areas include the cheekbones, temples, around the mouth, and jawline. In our professional experience, results usually last one to two years. For more permanent rejuvenation, a facelift corrects sagging skin along your jawline, cheeks, and neck. An experienced plastic surgeon will tighten underlying muscle and remove excess skin to give you a slim, chiseled profile. It requires an incision around your ears and hairline that is well concealed.

Pamper Your Pout

Lastly, don’t neglect your lips! One of the fastest areas to lose plumpness and shape, thinning lips can make the lower half of your face look flat and dull. Regularly applying lip plumper products with hyaluronic acid can help maintain moisture and fullness. Or give injections like Juvederm Ultra XC a try for immediate extra definition that lasts six to 12 months, in our experience.

Thanks to remarkable innovations in cosmetic treatments over the last decade, there are now more options than ever to refresh your looks. According to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2020, three of the top five performed plastic surgery procedures were completed on the face. Contact Synergy Face + Body by Travis Shaw, MD today for a consultation and get the more youthful look you desire.