I have been in touch with one of my friends who is one of the medical advisors for using Kybella, the new injectable drug that will dissolve fat and take care of a double chin. He keeps me up on the latest news for Kybella and when it will be coming to Richmond. Kybella was formerly known as ATX 101.
The latest word is I will be training on the product at the end of July and then will have it available to everyone in August! We will be one of the first offices to be offering the product in Richmond. I am really excited about this product as I have a deep interest in the newest non invasive facial rejuvenation techniques, and I think Kybella is really going to be a game changer.

Why Kybella is a Big Deal
Before Kybella, the only solution for a double chin was either liposuction or a facelift- both procedures with some significant downtime, bruising. swelling, and risk to delicate neck structures. Kybella will change all of this. Patients have a series of injections (usually three) which are very similar to Botox. Then product causes gradual dissolving of the fat, without swelling or bruising. Patients can go right back to work or their normal activities. The other awesome thing about Kybella is that the results are permanent. This is because we are born with a finite number of fat cells. The reason we get larger is that the cells themselves get bigger, they do not multiply. Once you destroy these fat cells they are gone forever.
Where is This Injectable Found?
This treatment will be rolled out to offices very slowly. It is a unique product and will only be available to board certified cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists. It will not be available at medi-spas, family doctors or OB/Gyn. Don’t look for Groupons on this one.
The other news is that the company that makes this injectable, known as Kythera was recently bought by Allergan, Inc- the parent company of Botox and Juvederm. I am an injection instructor for Allergan, and I think the addition of Kybella to their portfolio of injectables is going to be a home run.
Kybella Treatments in Richmond, VA
Demand for Kybella has been extremely high, so we have started a wait list for patients desiring injection. Spots are filling up fast. If you would like to have a free consult to lean more, or wish to be placed on the waiting list, call our office at (804) 775-4559.
Travis Shaw MD is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon and will be one of the first surgeons offering Kybella injections to patients from Charlottesville, Williamsburg, Fredericksburg and Richmond VA.